FlyOnNet Peru

Case scenario 3/6 - Client answer

The client answers a previous message from the Agency.


The Agency sent an email to a future client and he answers by email.

At intervals defined by the user or manually, the user can verify his mail inbox/inboxes. "Inbox or inboxes" because ePax manages an infinite number of email accounts for each user. We often see that the same agent has several accounts and ePax manages them in a completely transparent way.

We suppose that an agent has received several emails and he reads them. In a new window, he will see all the information for everyone of them, including of course the content. ePax tries then to determine the kind of email, which is:

Depending on the kind of email, the user can:

Going back to our case scenario example, ePax has detected the email from our client. The user will now confirm the allocation of the email, which is downloaded from the mail server and added to the file. Now it is ready to be freely consulted.